Review: Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol

I don’t know how many more mission’s Tom Cruise will go on, but if they will be shown in IMAX, and have great casts they may never stop.

The fourth installment of the impossible is up there with the original, a thrill ride, full of non stop entertainment.

Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt with a few new faces and some old ones as well. The mission this time takes them from Moscow to India to Dubai with explosions galore.

Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Simon Pegg round up the crew surrounding Cruise that this time are in the hunt for codes to stop a nuclear launch missile.

Brad Bird gets major credit here for creating such an aesthetically pleasing film, while at the same time keeping such a “guy-film” attitude throughout. Bird was mostly known for animated films before this, so the fact that he was able to churn this out, is a major success.

Cruise did most of his own stunts in the film, along with the stunning building climb, and swing on the massive Dubai Burj Khalifa tower, when you see this in IMAX it is simply a  sight to behold.

Between the sand storm, shots from above in Dubai, car chases and a 90 degree drop in a BMW with Cruise in the driver seat, or an incredible escape from a prison, the films cinematography could have been the greatest catalyst in the film.

You can argue that this was the spark Cruise needed to rejuvenate his career as his last few film choices haven’t been too impressive. Not since Vanilla Sky have I been “wow’ed” by Cruise, his stunts and overall performance here was incredibly entertaining.

In a year where the “big blockbuster” films were major let downs, most of which were action-based, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol did a great job in saving the action film genre in 2011.

The film is exhilarating, scenes that will push you to the edge of your seat, literally.

The final thing that made the film so great was the chemistry between all four leads, Pegg, Cruise, Patton and Renner all fed off each other well, and it really showed.

A fifth mission is reportedly on the way, hopefully this entire core chooses to accept a return.

Rating: 8/10

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