Trailer: Flight

Here is the first trailer for Robert Zemeckis’ Flight, starring Denzel Washington.

Pretty interesting looking trailer, and clearly a complex story about a plane crash and the pilot who saved the passengers lives on it.

This is the first live-action film Zemeckis has done in over 10 years, and the second film by Zemeckis that involves a plane crash, the first being Cast Away.

The film follows an airline pilot (Washington) who saves a flight from crashing, but an investigation into the malfunctions reveals something troubling about how the events unfolded. Don Cheadle, John Goodman, James Badge Dale, Melissa Leo all star alongside Washington.

Flight hits theaters on November 2nd, 2012.


In this action-packed mystery thriller, Academy Award winner Denzel Washington stars as Whip Whitaker, a seasoned airline pilot who miraculously crash-lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe, saving nearly every soul on board. After the crash, Whip is hailed as a hero, but as more is learned, more questions than answers arise as to who or what was really at fault, and what really happened on that plane?

Trailer: Django Unchained

The long wait for Django Unchained ends on Christmas this year, but today we get the trailer.

Quentin Tarantino‘s spaghetti western is atop many must-see lists for 2012, and the critics at Cannes who saw a special 7 minute clip all praised it.

The film stars Jamie Foxx as Django, an escaped slave who goes to rescue his wife (Kerry Washington) from sadistic plantation owner Calvin Candie played by Leonardo DiCaprio by teaming up with bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz played by Christoph Waltz.

The film also stars Samuel L. Jackson, Don Johnson,and Tom Savini. 

With great music as always, this feels like a Tarantino flick, and I’m really excited for it. It’s not as serious as I thought it would be, but it screams FUN.

Review: Snow White and The Huntsman

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? Certainly not Kristen Stewart.

We have known the story of Snow White for a very long time, from the Disney films and stories, even this year a happy-go-lucky adaptation was made called Mirror Mirror. Last year when we found out that two Snow White based films were coming out something had to distinguish the two.

Well thankfully Snow White and The Huntsman was marketed, and is a very dark take on the classic fairy tale, and usually in my eyes, that translates into a positive thing. But as we see here, you can be as dark and grim as you want, and that doesn’t always produce a masterpiece.

There is a difference between a reboot and a remake of a story we all know. But I think it’s great to revitalize the fairy tale, just like we will soon see a dark portrayal of Pinocchio, just do it right.

I was very excited for the morbid, dark, angry telling of the Snow White tale, unfortunately, between the acting, script, and pace of the film, much was left to be desired.

Kristen Stewart of Twilight fame, won the major battle that ensued over this role of Snow White. Unfortunately she did not seize the opportunity that could have gotten rid of the box surrounding her that is Bella Swan. Maybe it’s because I don’t understand the hype behind Twilight, or maybe it’s the simple fact that Stewart just isn’t a good actress. Her performance was bland, and her look is tarnished and homely, and I simply don’t think she did the role justice. Frankly she was miscast, and weighed down the film big time.

She was the rather bad, but surprisingly, I think not AS bad the Academy Award winner.

The evil queen Ravenna, played by Charlize Theron, plays, a vicious, cold ruler who steals the hearts of young girls in order to remain, vibrant, young, sans wrinkles and have the ability to live life after life. While her role is infinitely better than anything in Mirror Mirror, I felt like Theron over acted a ton of her scenes, and just didn’t strike fear, nor did she make me hate her at any point in the film. She was loud, simply screaming tons of her lines while looking ravishing, but good God was it over bearing and annoying. Surprising coming from such a fantastic actress.

So your two main leads in a big time marketed film put on dreadful feats on the silver screen, not off to a good start.

Now you start factoring in the awfully long run time, which starts to drag about halfway through, oh and lets not forget the creepy Sam Spruell who plays Finn the sadistic brother to the Queen Ravenna, who may have the worst haircut ever shown on a film screen, and you’re already working from the bottom.

Chris Hemsworth, better known to the world as Thor, really was the one bright star in the film. His role as The Huntsman, suited him very well and makes me think he could be a leading man in Hollywood should he continue to challenge himself with roles. Summoned by Queen Ravenna to go deep into the Dark Forrest and bring back Snow White, The Huntsman, a drunk, who grieves over the loss of his wife, finds himself at odds when meeting the princess Snow White.

Something that was sort of hidden within the trailers and not even talked about for a while were the famous seven dwarfs.

They show up about halfway into the film in an odd manner, but once you see their hooded selves you realize just who they are. I even had a friend before the showing tell me “there better be dwarfs in the film.”

They are actually enjoyable, a bunch of curmudgeon little folk with great personalities. Tobey Jones, Ian McShane, Nick Frost, and Bob Hoskins are four of the seven dwarfs who do a great job counter acting the seriousness of the film while serving major roles of their own.

That being said, I couldn’t tell you any of their names, and even though they played an important part in the story, the fact that they can’t be identified, is another reason to minus points from the script and film itself.

When it comes down to it, you have to call a spade a spade. Cinematography, amazing visuals and a beautiful music as backdrops to scenes can never, and will never compensate for a poor script, a miscast lead, and major over acting.

Not even Thor himself could save Snow White from this travesty.

Rating: 5/10